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フィブリン糊(fibrin glue)は,接着,止血創傷治癒を促進するためや膜として用いられる.特に,接着作用と膜としての特性を併せて応用し,漏孔閉鎖することをシーリング作用と呼んでいる2,3,4,6,9,11-13).脳神経外科領域でのフィブリン糊は主として,このシーリング作用を応用した髄液漏の防止に用いられる4,10,12,14).
[Object] The sealing properties of fibrin sealant with high concentrated fibrin (fibrin patch) were ex-amined.
[Material and methods] A commercial fibrin sealant (Bolheal®) produced from pooled human plasma was utilized for this study. The fibrin sealant made of fibrinogen and thrombin solutions mixed in a volume ratio 5:1 was applied as the fibrin sealant with high concentrated fibrin (fibrin patch). The burst pressure of the fibrin clots of either 1:1 or 5:1 mixing ratio, which sealed the small holes, was measured by a water-leak preventing model. The tensile strength of the fibrin patch was measured by the breaking pressure of the fibrin clot. The burst pressure of the fibrin patch, which sealed the dural defect with a dia-meter of 15mm, was compared with that of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE).
[Results] The burst pressure was elevated from 287±23.1 to 445±30.5mmHg by changing the mixing ratio from 1:1 to 5:1. The breaking pressure of the fibrin patch showed 131±25.4mmHg and that of the patch mixed at the ratio of 1:1 showed 46.6±9.9mmHg. The result of dural repair with the fibrin patch re-vealed higher sealing effectiveness than that of ePTFE. The burst pressure averaged 70.5±21.4mmHg in the fibrin patch samples and 51.4±13mmHg in the ePTFE samples.
[Conclusion] The fibrin patch revealed higher performance as a sealant and has the potential to be a candidate for acceptance as the new dural repair material.

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