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一定量以上の出血を伴う手術には何らかの手段の輸血が不可欠であるが,同種血輸血には輸血後肝炎,HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)感染,GVHD(graft versus host disease),溶血免疫反応などの危険を伴う.特にHIV感染に関しては,国内に於いて輸血後感染が報告され社会問題にもなっている.また未確認微生物感染症の恐れもある.それらの危険を回避するために,近年自己血輸血を導入する施設は増加している.
Clinical experiences of autologous blood preservation on 83 patients and transfusion on 43 patients werereported. When drawing blood, 14 patients whose hemoglobin level was below 13 g/dt (body weight <70kg) or 14g/dl (body weight > 70kg) received subcutaneous recombinant human erythropoietin injection(s.c.) to facilitate erythropoiesis, according to the internal standard protocol. Hemoglobin levels of all thepatients recovered to more than 10g/dl by the time they were admitted to the hospital, which value wouldnot interfere with general neurosurgical procedures. The injection of erythropoietin did not cause any sideeffects.
Autologous blood transfusion was performed in 43 patients but, in 3 patients, additional homologoustransfusion was required because of excessive bleeding. Except in cases with meningioma, postoperativehemoglobin values were identical with preoperative values, indicating that autologous blood transfusionwas enough to replace intraoperative blood loss.
Autologous fibrin glue was applied in 74 patients. In 70 cases including 55 with skull base surgery, theglue was applied to ensure dural closure. The incidence of cerebrospinal fluid leakage was 16.4% (5patients) in skull base surgery. This incidence was identical to or less than that in previous reports. Theglue was also effective in transposing and fixing offending vessels in 4 cases which received microvasculardecompression.
As a conclusion, procedures for autologous blood preservation and transfusion were safely performed inneurosurgical cases. Review of the literature was also presented to discuss the advantages and problems tobe solved in the future.
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