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てんかん重積状態は,痙攣性と非痙攣性重積状態に大別される.後者は,CPSE(complex partial status epilep—ticus:nonconvulsive status of focal onset)とASE(ab—sence status epilepticus;nonconvulsive status of gene—ralized onset)に分類されている1-3).CPSEは,遷延する意識障害を主徴とする病態であるがその報告は比較的少なく2,7),特に腫瘍性の器質的病変に伴った報告は,きわめて稀である7).われわれは,経過中にCPSEと考えられる発作重積を呈した前頭葉海綿状血管腫の症例を経験したので報告する.
We described a 34-year-old woman with a right fron-tal cavernous angioma who presented with complex partial status epilepticus (CPSE). In the first CPSE, complex partial seizure with complete unresponsiveness and tonic motor manifestation on her left arm occurred repeatedly at short intervals. Her consciousness was mildly disturbed between the seizures. An hour after the intra-venous administration of diazepam, her con-sciousness returned to normal. In the second CPSE, no motor manifestation was found, but complete unrespon-siveness of short duration accompanied with stare and moderately impaired consciousness continued to occur.We emphasize the importance of not missing this rare non-convulsive epileptic status, especially when it does not present motor manifestations.
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