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ras遺伝子群は,H-ras,K-ras,N-rasの3種類の遺伝子からなり3),アミノ酸配列の類似した21kdの膜蛋白質(P21)をコードしている10).近年これらの膜蛋白質(P21)は細胞内情報伝達機構の一部として機能しており6,12,14),その突然変異が細胞のtransformingに関与していることが11)判明してきた.今回われわれは神経膠腫細胞のgenomic DNAを抽出し,N-ras遺伝子の点突然変異の有無をcodon 12の第1,第2塩基およびcodon61の第1,第2塩基に関して調べたので報告する.
We examined the incidence of point mutations in codon 12 and 61 of N-ras gene in human gliomas using PCR with mismatched primers. This method detects point mutations. PCR with mismatched primers induced restriction sites in normal DNA but not in mutational DNA. Genomic DNAs were extracted from paraffin-embedded tissues and were amplified with nested PCR. Among 17 cases, point mutation has not been able to be found so far, when examined in codon 12 of N-ras gene and among 10 cases in codon 61 of N-ras gene. It can thus be said that point mutational activation of N-ras oncogene is an uncommon event in human gliomas.

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