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We report the case of a 29-year-old woman in whom a saccular aneurysm of the distal anterior cerebral artery developed following head trauma due to a car accident. She was semicomatose on admission but had no lateralizing motor signs. Reflexes were symmetrical, with bilateral extensor toe sign. X-ray of the skull showed no fracture but CT scans demonstrated a large frontal hematoma and interhemispheric bleeding. Initial cerebral angiography performed within 12 hours of trauma showed a small protrusion on the precallosal Portion of the left pericallosal artery with no branching point nearby. Angiography was repeated on the 9th day after admission and confirmed the presence of a saccular aneurysm of the pericallosal artery, which had been visible as a small protrusion on the initial angio-gram. Traumatic aneurysm was suspected and success-ful neck clipping of the aneurysm was performed on the 14th day. Preoperative CT and angiographic find-ings could not rule out a congenital aneurysm but the histological study of the specimen confirmed that it was a traumatic false aneurysm. We discussed the diagnosis and the etiology of posttraumatic aneurysm.

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