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松果体内の嚢胞性変化であるpineal cyst(以下,PCと略す)は,剖検例においては25-40%程度の高頻度に認められるが4,7,27),CTによってPCが診断されることは稀であった14,26,33).しかし,MRIの出現によって,明瞭な矢状断面像が得られるようになってから,PCが偶然発見される機会が増えた3,5,13,14,23,29).
Four cases of pineal cyst were presented and their fea-tures on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging were dis-cussed while reviewing the literature relevant to this clinical entity.
Pineal cyst is a normal developmental variant and in most of the cases its diagnosis is not difficult, but in a limited number of cases, pineal cyst needs to be differ-entiated from cystic tumors which have developed in the region of the pineal gland, such as pineocytoma or astrocytoma. Most pineal cysts are found incidentally during MR screening studies and no surgical interven-tions are needed. Pineal cysts should be considered for surgery only when the diameter of the cyst is more than 1.0cm, or when obstructive hydrocephalus is veri-fied on MRI or CT, and/or when definitive neurologic-al signs such as Parinaud's syndrome are present. It was also stressed that embryological considera-tions are indispensable for evaluating pineal cysts on MR images.
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