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抄録 悪性グリオーマに対する1—(4—amino−2—methy1-5—pyrimidinyl) methyl−3—(2—chloroethyl)−3—nitrosourea hydrochloride (ACNU)単剤およびACNUとtegafur併用化学療法の効果を多施設の協同によるcontrolled randomized studyにょり検討した。第一次研究では105名の悪性グリオーマ患者を無作為に2群に分割し,A群は放射線(全脳に40〜60cGy)単独,B群は放射線+ACNU (100mg/m2,第1日および42日目)により治療した。治療効果は治療前および放射線治療終了1ヵ月後のCTスキャンにより腫瘍の縮小率を測定し判定した。評価可能症例82例(A群40例,B群42例)のうち治療により腫瘍が50%以上縮小したものはA群15%,B群47.6%であり両群の間に有意な差(p<0.005)が認められた。神経学的症状およびperformance statusの改善率はA群がおのおの15%,15%,B群が50%,45%でありB群が.有意に勝った。第2次研究では87名の悪性グリオーマ患者を無作為に2群に分割し,A群は放射線+ACNU,B群は放射線+ACNU+tegafur (400mg/m2 毎日,第1日目から56日目まで)の併用化学療法により治療した。評価可能症例69例(A群35例,B群34例)中50%以上腫瘍が縮小したものは,A群34.2%,B群41.2%であり有意な差は認められなかった。神経学的症状およびperformance Statusの改善率にも両群の間に差異は認められなかった。以上より,悪性グリオーマに対しACNUによる化学療法が有効であることが示された。tegafurを加えることによる併用効果は認められなかった。
Controlled, prospective, randomized studies were performed to evaluate the effects of 1-(4-amino-2-methy1-5-pyrimidinyl) methy1-3-(2-chloroethyl)- 3-nitrosourea hydrochloride (ACNU) and ACNU plus tegafur as additions to radiotherapy for the treatment of malignant gliomas. In the first trial, 105 patients with glioblastoma or anaplastic astro-cytoma were randomly divided into two groups after surgery and received radiotherapy (RT, 40 to 60 Gy to the whole brain), or radiotherapy plus concomitant chemotherapy with ACNU (100 mg/m2 on day 1 and 42). Effects of the treatment were compared in 82 evaluable patients from results of CT scans taken before and one month after the completion of radiotherapy. The regres-sion rates more than 50% of the tumor size were observed in 15.0% of patients treated with RT alone and in 47.6% of patients treated with RT plus ACNU. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.005). In the second trial, 87 pat-ients were randomly divided into two groups and received RT plus ACNU, or RT plus combined chemotherapy with ACNU and tegafur (400mg/m2, daily for 8 weeks). Sixty nine patients were within the valid study group. The regression rates more than 50% of the tumor size were observed in 34.2% of patients treated with RT plus ACNU and in 41.2% treated with RT, ACNU plus tegafur. No statistical difference was noted in the response rate between the groups.
These results indicate that ACNU is an effective agent in conjunction with radiotherapy for patients with malignant gliomas, and that tegafur does not enhance the effectiveness of ACNU.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.