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Disproportionately large communicating fourth ven—tricle(DLCFV)は,第四脳室が側脳室や第三脳室と比較して,不均衡に拡大した水頭症のうち,中脳水道に閉塞を認めないものとして報告されている1).この病態は,通常,側脳室腹腔短絡術(V-P shunt)により改善すると言われている1-3).私達は,最近後頭蓋窩病変の術後に,第四脳室の不均衡な拡大を示した2症例を経験した.側脳室より造影剤を注入した脳室撮影では,中脳水道は開存しており,DLCFVの診断のもとにV-P shuntを行ったが,第四脳室の縮小は得られなかった.これらの2症例を呈示し,若干の考察を加え報告する.
Two cases of a disproportionately large communicat-ing fourth ventricle (DLCFV) which developed after suboccipital craniectomy are reported.
The first case was that of a 43-year-old female who sustained subarachnoid hemorrhage, and the second case was that of a 12-year-old male with medullohlasto-ma. Patency of the ageductal canal and occlusion of the fourth ventricle outlets were demonstrated in both cases by metrizamide ventriculography, with in-traventricular injection of contrast material.
Clinical history was analyzed with repeated CT scan, and pathogenesis of DI.C.FV was discussed with review of the literature.

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