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A case of a brain stem hemangioblastoma with recur-rent episodes of hypacusis due to progression of hy-drocephalus is reported. The patient was a 25-year-old female, admitted to the department of otorhinolaryngo-logy with complaints of hearing difficulty, headache and blurred vision. Neuroradiological studies showed a tumor from the medulla oblongata, obliterating the IVth ventricle, and a secondary hydrocephalus. Hearing loss fluctuated as hydrocephlus progressed. Multiple V-P shunting procedures relieved episodic hypacusis. The patient remains asymptomatic at present and has re-sumed normal activity.
The mechanism of episodic hearing loss due to hy-drocephalus is thought to be due to the fact that through the ductus perilymphaticus and the ductus en-dolymphaticus, especially the former, increased in-tracranial pressure is transmitted to the inner ear. Through the ductus perilymphaticus there is com-munication between the perilymphatic space and the in-tracranial subarachnoid space. Through the ductus en-dolymphaticus there is communication with the subdu-ral space. Increased ICY effects the inner ear, It is sus-pected that, in this particular case, the progression of hydrocephalus effected the patient's hearing.

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