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Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is not a rare phenomenon in the neurosurgical field. We in-vestigated the therapeutic effect of [Ethyl p-(6-gua-nidinohexanoyloxy) benzoate] methanesulfonate (FOY) for DIC or Pre-DIC states associated with neurosurgi-cal disorders.
During the previous three and half years, a total of 52 cases have been admitted to Shinshu University Hospital and its affiliated hospitals with DIC or Pre-DIC states due to brain disorders (group A) associated with head injuries (19 cases), subarachnoid hemor-rhages caused by ruptured aneurysm (12 cases) , in-tracranial hemorrhages and infarctions (5 cases) , arte-riovenous malformations (2 cases) and spinal cord in-jury (1 case), and with those states due to brain and another disorders (group B) associated with infections (7 cases), shocks (2 cases) and intoxications by drugs (2 cases). FOY was administered continuously for all patients. Clinical manifestations and laboratory data were analyzed statistically. Platelet count improved from during the 7th to the 10th day after starting FOY. It improved significantly in cases with a high DIC score and the improvement was not influenced by platelet transfusion. FDP, fibrinogen, prothrombin time and antithrombin-III also improved. DIC score remark-ably improved in cases with an initial high DIC score. Hemorrhagic symptoms were recognized in 19 cases be-fore administration of FOY and 14 of them (74%) im-proved after the treatment. Dysfunction of organs was recognized in 28 cases, of which 5 cases (18%) im-proved. Twenty-nine of 52 cases (56%) were still alive. Only two patients died clue to DIC. There were no side effects associated with administration of FOY. It is concluded that FOY therapy for DIC or Pre-DIC in the neurosurgical field was effective.
FOY has not only inhibitory effects on thrombin, fac-tor Xa, plasmin and kallikrein but also inhibitory effects on production of superoxide, reaction of lipid oxidation and degranulation of mast cells. From the point of view of microcirculation, FOY is expected to be more effective than heparin.
Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.