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Von Recklinghausen氏病(Neurofibromatosis)(以下VRD)には種々の外胚葉系由来の腫瘍や奇形の合併を生じやすい事は周知の事実である1,16,17).
今回は胸腰椎部の硬膜下腔に発生した巨大meningi—omaと隣接する小豆大のschwannomaの異種脊髄腫瘍を伴い,さらに同一部位(TI2, L1, L2)の椎体後面に著しいscallopingが見られた54歳の女性VRD症例を経験した.VRDに合併する多発脊髄腫瘍(ほとんどがneurofibroma)は散見される7,17,18)が,異種脊髄腫瘍は極めて稀である.これら腫瘍及び椎体のscallopingの発生機序も含め,文献的考察を加え,報告する.
Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis is a con-genital anomaly due to maldevelopment of the neurec-toderm and mesoderm. The disease is known to be commonly associated with other tumors of the neural system.
We experienced a case in which two different types of spinal tumors (meningioma and schwannoma) appeared together with Von Recklinghausen's disease.
The patient was a 54 year-old female. Her chief com-plaint was slowly progressive lumbar back pain of ab-out a 10-year duration.

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