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Ⅰ はじめに
パーキンソン病(Parkinson's disease:PD)は,かつて「発症後10年で寝たきりになる」と言われ,実際,L-ドパが使われる以前には発症後の平均生存期間は9.4年であり,死亡率も非PD群の約3倍であると報告された1).しかし,1970年代に治療薬としてL-ドパが普及し,その後,PD治療はめざましく進歩した.1986年以降の信憑性の高い発端コホート研究2)に限れば,PDの死亡率は非PD群の約1.5倍という報告が多数である.
Parkinson's disease(PD)is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. Its cardinal features are resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability. Several years after disease onset, many patients with PD exhibit postural deformities, including camptocormia, Pisa syndrome, and dropped head syndrome, which can lead to spinal deformities. In addition, spinal degenerative disorders are frequently associated with PD and can further impact the patients' quality of life. Current evidence suggests a multifactorial etiology for postural deformities and spinal degenerative disorders in PD, which includes abnormal stress on the spine(biomechanical factors), postural instability and impairment of postural compensation(physiological factors), and imbalance of dopaminergic signals(pharmacological factors). The relative contribution of these factors varies between patients and across symptoms. Consequently, neurologists have difficulty treating these axial problems. Moreover, many studies have reported poor outcomes and high complication rates of spinal surgery in patients with PD, which embarrasses spinal surgeons.
An improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying spinal problems in PD might ultimately lead to more effective management of these disabling complications.

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