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Growing teratoma syndrome(GTS)は,胚細胞性腫瘍に対する化学放射線療法中あるいは療法後に生じる腫瘍の増大で,腫瘍マーカーの上昇を認めず,病理組織学的に成熟奇形腫のみからなるものと定義される2,7).化学放射線療法はもはや奏効せず,手術が唯一の治療となるため,そのタイミングも含め慎重かつ確実な判断が必要となるが,必ずしも容易ではない.今回われわれは,GTSを呈した胚細胞性腫瘍の2手術例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する.
BACKGROUND:Growing teratoma syndrome(GTS)is the progression of a mature teratoma during or following radiochemotherapy for germ cell tumors. We report two surgical cases of GTS.
CASE 1:A 24-day-old new-born presented with vomiting and head enlargement. Blood alfa-feto protein(AFP)and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-hCG)were within or at the upper limits of the normal ranges. Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI)demonstrated a large mass in the posterior fossa causing the severe hydrocephalus. Tumor removal was immediately performed. Histological diagnosis given was immature teratoma. While chemotherapy effectively reduced the level of tumor makers, multiple recurrence was noticed on MRI 70 days after the surgery. GTS was suspected and total removal was performed. Histological examination revealed a mature teratoma. The patient is growing normally thereafter, 2.5 years after the onset.
CASE 2:A 16-year-old male presented with binasal hemianopsia. Blood AFP and β-hCG were within or at the upper limits of the normal ranges. MRI demonstrated an intrasellar mass protruding upward. Tumor removal was performed and histological diagnosis given was mixed germ cell tumor. While radiochemotherapy effectively normalized the tumor makers, recurrence was noticed on MRI 190 days after the surgery. Total removal was performed with the diagnosis of GTS. Histological examination revealed a mature teratoma. The patient lives a normal school life thereafter as followed up after a year after the onset.
CONCLUSION:It is important to diagnose and perform the surgery early enough to enable total removal of the mass presenting as GTS because total surgical removal is the only treatment for GTS.

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