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Third ventricular chordoid gliomaは中年女性の第3脳室内に好発する境界明瞭な腫瘍で,今回文献を渉猟した限りでは現在までに24例1,3-5,7-11)の報告があるにすぎず,画像診断を含めた臨床像および適切な治療方針は未だ確立されていない.
最近,青年期に発症したthird ventricular chor-doid gliomaの稀な1例を経験し,anterior tran-scallosal interforniceal approachにより腫瘍を全摘し得たので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
We reported a rare case of third ventricular chordoid glioma and reviewed the literature. A 25-year-old male presented with a two-year history of voracious appetite. Three months prior to admission, he developed progressive memory impairment. CT scan showed a well circumscribed, slightly hyperdense mass without calcification in the third ventricle. The 4.5-cm oval mass occupying the anterior part of the third ventricle was ho-mogeniously enhanced on MR images after administration of contrast medium. Small cystic components were pre-sent in the periphery of the mass.

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