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脊髄硬膜外血腫(spinal epidural hematoma)は比較的稀な疾患であり,また胸髄領域の病変の診断は従来のレントゲン学的診断法の弱点である.最近著者らは,突然の背部痛により発症し胸髄CT scanで新生物を疑わせたが,magnetic resonance imaging(以下MRIと略す)により硬膜外血腫の確定診断を得,手術により著明な症状の改善を認めた,胸髄部特発性脊髄硬膜外血腫の1例を経験したので報告し,文献的に考察を加える.
Appropriate diagnostic procedure for spinal epidural hematomas has not been established yet. The authors reported a case of spontaneous epidural hematomas at the thoracic level, in which correct diagnosis was made with MRI and good results were obtained by surgery. A 63-year-old female experienced a severe back pain which appeared suddenly during a walk and was fol-lowed by motor weakness in both legs deteriorating quickly to paraplegia. The patient had no history of hypertension, trauma or bleeding tendency. The labora-tory data were normal.

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