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今回,われわれは神経膠線維の成分であるglial fibril—lary acidic protein(GFAP)および,神経細胞に特異的と考えられるneurofilament protein(NF)に対する抗体を用いて酵素抗体法により,medulloblastomaの分化について検討した.一方,現在まで本腫瘍に関して,免疫組織化学的検索での腫瘍側の因子による生命予後の検討はあまりなされていない.そこで,免疫組織化学的染色の結果とともに,年齢,手術,腫瘍の大きさ,進展度,放射線治療,化学療法などの因子と生命予後との関係を検討したので報告する.
Medulloblastoma is the most common primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) with the potential to differentiate along glial or neuronal lines. Thirty cases of medulloblastoma were immunotested by the perox-idase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method with anti-GFAP serum (DAKO) and by the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) method with 68kd subunit of anti-NF antibody. All the cases were classified into three sub-types based on these immunohistochemical findings and were analyzed in relation to clinico-pathological fea-tures.
Fifteen of thirty medulloblastomas contained GFAP positive cells, seventeen showed cells reacting to NF.

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