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中枢神経系の梅毒性病変は,ペニシリン療法の導入により,すでに珍しい疾患となり,ことにcerebral gum—maの報告は,極めて稀となった.今回著者らは,主にCT所見より頭蓋内原発悪性リンパ腫を疑い,試験開頭を行ったところcerebral gummaと診断した症例を経験したので,主にその神経放射線学的特徴を中心に文献的考察を加え報告する.
A case of cerebral gummy in the left trigonal region is reported. A 74-year-old man was admitted to our hospital on Apr. 23, 1985 with unsteady gait and mem-ory disturbance. Neurological examination revealed slight disorientation, memory disturbance, right homonymous hemianopsia and right hemiparesis. Sero-logical reaction for syphilis was strongly positive, and so was CSF. The CSF showed slight pleocytosis (8/3 lymphocytes) and increased protein content (130 mg/ dl). DSA showed no hypervascularity nor tumor stain. Ga brain scan showed no abnormality.

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