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persistent primitive trigeminal artery(PPTA)は,胎生期脳血管遺残のうちで最も多く,脳血管撮影では,0.1-0.2%の頻度である14).内頸動脈—上小脳動脈吻合は,脳底動脈と直接吻合せず一側上小脳動脈に吻合する,PPTAのvariant typeであり,その報告が散見される1,19).
A rare case of a variant type of the persistent primi-tive trigeminal artery associated with bilateral hypopla-sia of the internal carotid artery was reported. Left common carotid arteriography revealed a thin left inter-nal carotid artery terminated at the ophthalmic artery. Right common carotid arteriography showed that a nar-row internal carotid artery gave off several fine vessels to the cavernous portion, and terminated at the right superior cerebellar artery via the prominent persistent primitive trigeminal artery (PTA) . Supraclinoid por- tons of the bilateral internal carotid arteries were not able to be found.

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