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頸部の血管外傷のうちで椎骨動脈損傷は少ないながらも存在する.損傷部位は,その特殊な解剖学的走行と頸部の伸展,屈曲や回転といった運動に関連して主に第5,6頸椎やatlanto-axial joint,atlanto-occipital jointで起こり,muralhemorrhageやintimal disruptionが生ずることが知られている12).Rich andSpencer10)は統計的に7048例の血管外傷中15例で椎骨動脈損傷があることを,また,Flintら4)は1957-73年に経験した全頸部血管外傷中,約3%の7例に椎骨動脈外傷が見られたことを報告している.
A case of traumatic occlusion of the bilateral verte-bral arteries associated with fracture of the cervical spine is reported.
A 34-year-old man, having no previously noted medical problems, fell to the bottom of a bathtub with a depth of 80 cm, and hit the vertex fronto-parietal re-gion of his head. He was transfered to our hospital 6 hours after his fall with a crush fracture of the cervical spine at the C6 level. On admission he was alert, but having pain in the vertex region, dysarthria, blurred vi-sion and hemiparesis. Roentgenograms confirmed a crush fracture of the C6 vertebral body.

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