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頭・頸部外傷によりひきおこされる血管性病変には,a)Pseudoaneurysm,b)Arteriovenous fistula,c)Thrombosisの3種類があることはよく知られている.このうち,頸動脈・椎骨動脈血栓症は,開放性外傷によって血管が直接損傷された時ばかりでなく,非開放性外傷の場合にも生じうる.むしろ臨床上興味があるのは,非開放性頭部・頸部外傷により血栓形成をみる場合である.
A rare case of left common carotid and left vertebral artery thrombosis due to closed cervical trauma is reported.
A 42-year-old man was involved in an automobile accident and he was transferred to our clinic one hour later.On admission he was semicomtose and physical examination showed contusion and subcutaneous hematoma in the left neck and left upper chest wall without open wound. There were conjugate deviation to the left, right hemiparesis, right central facial palsy and left Horner's syndrome.

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