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symptomatic Rathke's cleft cystは稀な疾患とされ,Steinberg24)によると1982年までに63例が報告されているにすぎない.その後,本症に対する認識の高まりと診断法の進歩により報告例が増加し1,2,6,19,22,25,26,28)従来いわれているほど稀ではなく,下垂体疾患の中で重要な位置を占めるようになった2).
Three cases of symptomatic Rathke's cleft cyst are discribed.
Case 1. A 51-year-old man was admitted to the hos-pital for evaluation of intermittent headache, in April,1985. He was neurologically free, but skull films dis-closed a ballooning of the sella with thinning of the dorsum sellae. CT scan showed enlargement of the sella, but no abnormal density area in the sellar region. MRI revealed a round mass with high signal intensity located just posteriorly to the pituitary body. By a transsphenoidal approach, a thin-walled cyst was found at the posterior portion of the sella.

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