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medulloblastomaは小児の後頭蓋窩腫瘍の代表的腫瘍であり,腫瘍発生および組織学的分化の観点より興味深い腫瘍である.最近の免疫組織化学の進歩によりmedulloblastomaのneuronal differentiationに関する検討が行われており,いわゆるcerebellar neuroblastomaとの移行関係が推測されている.
一方,cerebellar neuroblastomaは,平野21,Shin8)らが電顕的にそのニューロン的性格を報告して以来,臨床面,病理組織像からも注目されている腫瘍であるが,いまだ症例は少なく,特に免疫組織化学的所見の報告は稀である.
A three-year-old boy with a progressive history of headche, vomiting and ataxia in the course of '2- months, was admitted on August 1983, when he was lethargic. Neurological examination reveald dyspha-gia, scanning speech and tremor in the bilateral hand. CT scan showed a very large enhanced mass in the center of posterior fossa with central necrosis in it and the dilatation of whole ventricular system. Suboccipital craniectomy was immediately performed and the tumor that occupied the vermis and invaded into both cerebel-lar hemisphere was subtotally removed.

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