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神経皮膚症候群の1つである結節性硬化症はvonRecklinghausenによる心臓横紋筋腫を合併した"大脳皮質硬化巣"の剖検例報告18)以来,すでに多数の報告がなされている.本症は顔面皮疹(ademma seba—ceum),知能障害,てんかんを臨床症状の3徴候とする比較的稀な家族性,遺伝性疾患である.本症の脳病変は,①大脳皮質硬化巣,②髄質における皮質の異所存在,③脳室壁の結節で代表されるが,脳病変の腫瘍化に関しては,脳室壁の結節に特有とされ,その頻度は本症の6-10%といわれている12,16).
It is well known that intraventricular tumors are occasionally seen in patients with tuberous sclerosis. We have experienced two cases of tuberous sclerosis with intraventricular tumor.
Case 1: an 8-year-old girl was admitted to our clinic because of headache and vomiting of one month's duration. She had adenoma sebaceum, mental retardation and seizures clinically, and a large tumor was found in the right lateral ventricle by pneumoventriculography. Partial removal of the tumor was performed by the right frontal trans-cortical approach, but she later died of pneumonia.

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