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脊索腫(chordoma)は胎生期脊索の遺残組織noto—chordal remnantから発生する比較的稀な腫瘍で,仙尾骨部および頭蓋底部に好発する.頭蓋内では斜台部に好発し,最近の脳腫瘍全国集計調査報告によれば全頭蓋内腫瘍の0.5%を占め,同部位の骨破壊が特徴とされている.今回私どもは,斜台部の骨破壊を呈さず,CT上比較的稀とされるlow density typeで硬膜内浸潤を呈した頭蓋内脊索腫の1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A case of clival chordoma without bone destruction is reported.
A 28-year-old man was admitted to Kagoshima University Hospital on April 8, 1983 with the com-plaints of headache, displopia and gait disturbance.
Neurological examination revealed the right eighth, ninth, tenth nerve palsy and gait disturbance.
Plain skull firms showed no abnormality and left vertebral arteriography revealed a displacement of basilar artery to the left side. The CT scanning showed a low density area at the retroclival region, and enhancement was acquired slightly.

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