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1978年Marmarou4)によって発表されたspeciific gravimetric techniqueによる脳組織の水分含有量測定法は,その特徴として2mm3の小脳組織片で,数分以内に,1%以下の測定誤差で,脳皮質,白質の水分含有量を%g water per g tissueとして表示できる極めて便利な方法である.
The main interest in the study of brain edema is to determine the water contents of examining brain tissue. However, the conventional dry and wet procedure is time consuming and of limited precision. Marmarou developed the specific gravimetric technique for precise measurement of water contents of small brain tissue for the study of brain edema. In this paper, we have described the way to make the gradient column and sampling precedures of brain tissue in various conditions of brain edema models.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.