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数多くのvon Recklinghausen病の報告のなかにも,脳内に発生した神経鞘腫を認めたものはない.神経鞘腫の悪性転化はよく知られているが,頻度はあまり多くない1).またmalignant schwannomaの脳転移の報告も見られない.
Intracerebral schwannoma is very rare, and only ninecases of solitary intracerebral schwannoma have been report-ed since the first description by Gibson et al, in 1966. Thisreport is the first case of multiple intracerebral schwannomasin Japan. Intracranial extracerebral schwannomas in vonRecklinghausen's disease are sometimes encountered, butintracerebral ones have not been discovered.
A case of multiple intracerebral schwannomas associatedwith von Recklinghausen's disease is reported in a 23-year-old male. He had been healthy until January 1979 whenhe was pointed out an abnormal shadow on chest roentgeno-gram.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.