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頭蓋内原発germ cell tumorの治療に対してCisplatinを含む多剤併用療法が行われて数年を経過しているが,化学療法の抗腫瘍効果も症例により異なること,放射線治療との関連における薬剤の使用時期,薬剤による副作用等,検討すべき点が多く認められる.われわれは,yolk sactumor 1例,embryonal carcinoma 1例,HCG産生germinoma 1例,histologically unknown HCG産生腫瘍2例にCisplatinを含む多剤併用療法を行った.これらの症例に対して上記の問題点を考察した.
Five cases of non-germinomatous germ cell tumor which received combination chemotherapy with cispla-tin were studied to elucidate the efficacy of chemother-apy. The patients' ages ranged from 7 to 24 years old. Three of the patients were male and two were female. Locations of the tumors were suprapellar in three cases, pineal in one case and basal ganglia in the other. Three of the 5 tumors were histologically verified as yolk sac tumors, embryonal carcinoma and HCG-producing germinoma. Two were histologically unveri-fied HCG-producing tumors.

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