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深部真菌症のうち中枢神経罹患率の最も高いものとしてcryptococcosisがあげられる.近年,化学療法や副腎皮質ホルモンの普及にともなってcryptococcosisそのものはさほど稀な疾患ではなくなりつつあるが,今回著者らは4年間に4回の症状の増悪,緩解を繰り返したcryptococcus感染による脊髄肉芽腫性くも膜炎の1例を経験した.本症例には,V-P shuntおよび2回の椎弓切除術が施行され,症状の緩解導入に有用であった.特異な経過をたどった本症例について報告する.
A case of cryptococcal granulomatous arachnitis of the spinal cord was reported. A 12-year-old boy suffered from sudden occipitalgia and left hemiparesis. The symptoms disappeared spontaneously in about a half year. The next year, he consulted an orthopedist because of lumbago and gait disturbance. Myelography through the cisternal route showed complete block at the level of L1. Exploratory laminectomy of D12 and L1 revealed adhesive arachnitis. Symptoms were improved immediately after the operation.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.