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19世紀末から今日にいたるまで「髄液は脈絡叢から産生されくも膜顆粒より吸収される」と一般に考えられてきた3,25,76).水頭症の病因もこの考えにしたがって考察され,大部分の水頭症は脳室系またはくも膜下腔など脳をとりまく髄液循環路の閉塞によって生ずるとの考えから74,99,100),閉塞部の開放術(中脳水道のcatheterization,第4脳室孔開放術)あるいは閉塞部に対するby-pass設置(Torkildsen手術,third ventriculostomy)などの治療法が試みられた18,23,24,64,74,106,112).このように水頭症の原因を主として脳をとりまく髄液循環路の障害におく考えは現在も水頭症の分類および治療指針の根底をなしている44,74).
Recent advance in the study of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation was reviewed and, based on the new concept of CSF circulation, re-classification of hydrocephalus was attempted.
Within the brain, there is much fluid (10 - 40% of the whole brain weight) in the extra-cellular space. Recent studies have demonstrated that there is direct communication between intracerebral ECSF (extracellular space fluid) and extracerebral CSF morphologically, as well as physiologically. Perfusion studies imply that CSF is derived not only from the vessels in the choroid plexus, but also from ECSF and the vessels within the brain.

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