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cryptococcusは中枢神経系に強い親和性を有し,難治性の致命的な髄膜炎を惹き起こす真菌として恐れられてきた,amphoterlcin Bあるいは5-fluorocytosineによりて治癒したという報告もしだいに増加してはいるが1),きわめて激症で治療効果なく死亡したという報告も決して少なくはない.
A 25-year-old man was admitted to the Neurosurgical Department of the Osaka University Hospital on October 24, 1973 because of headache, vomiting and weakness of the left upper and lower extremities. Before admission he was sometimes feverish up to 38.5℃, and on admission he was afebrile and had no neurological abnormalities except for bilateral choked disc. Blood analysis showed 6100/mm3 of white cell. Lumbar pucture disclosed opening pressure of 460 mm of water; protein 30 mg%, sugar 16 mg%, cells 37/mm3 and negative bacterial culture.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.