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来院時の神経学的所見が重篤でなくとも,頭蓋内損傷は存在し得る.Rivaraらは,来院時GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale)が13点以上でも,小児頭部外傷症例の31%にCT画像で異常所見を認めている7).Davisらは,来院時GCSが15点でも,意識消失のエピソードを認めた症例では,7.5%で頭蓋内出血像を認めている2).
頭蓋内損傷の可能性がある場合,画像診断を要することになるが.この中で,頭蓋骨骨折は頭蓋内損傷の危険因子とされる.頭部単純X線画像で骨折像が認められる場合は,頭部computed tomography(CT)を撮影するなどの精査が必要である3,9).一方,頭部単純X線画像の有効性を疑問視する報告もある5).また,頭部CT軸位断のみでは撮影画像と平行に近い角度で走る線上骨折像を見逃す恐れがある10).いずれにせよ,頭蓋内損傷の有無や骨折像を簡便に確認できる画像が求められる.
近年,multislice CTの利用により,体動の多い小児症例でも短時間で頭部単純CT撮影ができるようになった.また,画像ソフトにより頭蓋骨の3次元CT(3D-CT)構成も容易にできるようになった.
The aim of this study is to analyze the usefulness of 64-raw multislice computed tomography (CT) scans and bone images of three-dimensional CT (3D-CT) scans for evaluation of mild head injuries in children.
Thirteen children (9 boys and 4 girls, less than or equal to 15 years old) with mild head injury were included in the study. Head CT scans obtained within 24 hours after injury. All children had no episodes of loss of consciousness, amnesia, epilepsy, vomiting, and no neurological abnormality on arrival at hospital.
We detected 9 positive findings on CT scans, which looked like fracture lines at the frontal bone in 7 cases. The bone images of CT axial views revealed a true fracture in one case in which a skull X-ray could not demonstrate a fracture line, but, other positive findings turned out to be a diploic vein surrounded by a thin bone cortex. All false positive findings were detected in the patients under the age of 6.
By the 3D-reconstructive CT scan,it is easier to detect not only the intracranial lesions but also the cranial fracture. But,the diploic vein is apt to be misdiagnosed as the fracture line,especially in patients under the age of 6.

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