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Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)における院内感染調査機構であるNational Nosocomial Infections Surveillance Systemによれば,外科手術後の手術部位感染(surgical site infection;SSI)が院内感染症に占める割合は,院内感染症全体の14~16%で,手術患者に限定した場合にはその38%を占めることが,「Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection,1999」において報告されている1).これは,われわれ外科医によるSSIの制御が,院内感染対策のうえでいかに重要であるかを示すデータである.また同報告書は,SSI制御のための具体的方法について,多岐にわたる提言を行っている.その中で,手術時の予防的抗菌薬投与(antimicrobial prophylaxis;AMP)の意義についても述べており,脳神経外科手術におけるAMP投与の正当性と適正使用等について言及し,感染起因菌に対する感受性や薬剤の安全性および経済性などから,脳神経外科領域において使用すべきAMPとして,第1世代セフェム系抗生剤の静脈内投与を推奨している1).
Objective The clinical efficacy and cost benefit of oral antimicrobial prophylaxis with levofloxacin (LVFX) on neurosurgical operation were evaluated.
Patients and methods Fifty patients undergone burr hole drainage for chronic subdural hematoma were enrolled into this study. These patients had preoperative intravenous drip infusion of 1.0 g of cefazolin (CEZ),and were given oral 200mg of LVFX twice a day for postoperative 6 days on their operations. Clinical effect on prophylaxis of postsurgical infection and surgical site infection as well as safeness of the drug were assessed. Their clinical course were retrospectively compared with another fifty patients as control group who had intravenous administration of CEZ for consecutive 7 days on same operation.
Results There were no patients who had postsurgical infection and surgical site infection as well as drug related adverse effect,whereas three patients in control group suffered urinary infections or respiratory tract infection during their postsurgical course.
Conclusions Less invasive oral antimicrobial prophylaxis with LVFX is effective to prevent postoperative infections and surgical site infections,and attractive from the medical economic point of view.

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