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近年,MRS(magnetic resonance spectrography)やPET(positoron emission tomography),SPECT(single photon emission computed tomography)などの非侵襲的検査の進歩がめざましいが,現時点では脳腫瘍の質的診断としてはSPECTが普及し一般的である.SPECTは特異性や感度,分解能などに改善の余地があるものの,核種の開発とともにその有用性が期待されている.SPECTの核種にはThallium(201Tl),Gallium(69Ga),123I-IMP(N-Isopropyl-p-[123I]-Iodoamphetamine)などがあるが,なかでも心筋血流シンチグラフィーによる心臓疾患診断薬として開発された201Tl-chlorideと99mTc-MIBI(2-methoxy isobutyl isonitrile)は脳腫瘍の質的診断に応用されている1,3,10).この2核種の集積には若干の違いがあり,収集エネルギーの違いから2核種同時収集で画像を比較することで新知見を得られる可能性がある7,15).
今回,われわれは201Tl-chloride(Tl)と99mTc-MIBI(MIBI)の2核種同時収集法による脳腫瘍イメージングで若干の成果を得たので,脳腫瘍におけるsimultaneous dual isotope SPECTの意義を報告する.
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is useful for detecting brain tumors. In this study,we evaluated the utility of simultaneous dual SPECT with 201Tl-Chloride (Tl) and 99mTc-MIBI (MIBI) for diagnosis of brain tumors. We evaluated 20 cases,including 2 glioblastomas,7 anaplastic astrocytomas,2 oligodendrogliomas,2 anaplastic ependymomas,2 medulloblastomas,2 meningiomas,1 malignant meningioma,1 pituitary adenoma,and 1 craniopharyngioma. We analyzed the uptake ratio (T/N ratio) of tracers in both Tl and MIBI at max counts/pixels ratio in the region of interest. The T/N ratios in early and delayed images were described as early ratios (ER) and delay ratios (DR),respectively. The retention index (RI) was calculated as the DR/ER ratio.
Significant correlations were found between ER and DR for both Tl (DR=0.797*ER+0.359,r=0.871),and MIBI (DR=0.961*ER-0.191,r=0.784). Next,we analyzed the correlations between Tl and MIBI SPECT,for ER,DR,and RI. ER values for the two were strongly correlated (r=0.791),DR values were weakly correlated (r=0.556),and RI exhibited no correlation between them (r=0.328). There were no correlations between tumor volume and T/N ratio for the two (ER-Tl ; r=0.0095,DR-Tl ; r=0.0050,ER-MIBI ; r=0.036,DR-MIBI ; r=0.254). Lastly no correlation was found between RI-Tl and RI-MIBI (r=0.328).
We discuss the difference in the mechanism of accumulation of two tracers and the significance of simultaneous dual SPECT using them for the differential diagnosis of pituitary tumors,regrowth of oligodendrogliomas,and multi-drug resistance of chemotherapy. Dual SPECT with Tl and MIBI appears to be useful for the diagnosis of brain tumor.

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