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巨大脳動脈瘤の治療に当たっては,親動脈の血行遮断が必要となる可能性があるため,その一過性もしくは永続的な遮断によって生じる虚血状態に脳組織が耐えられるかどうかを術前に確認しておくことが重要である6,11).そこで,バルーンカテーテルにより親動脈を一時的に遮断するballoon test occlusion(BTO)とそれに引き続くバルーン閉塞下のsingle-photon emission computed tomography(SPECT)によって術前に親動脈閉塞時の脳循環をシミュレートすることは,現在では手術戦略を決定するうえで必要不可欠となっている1,2,5,12-17,19,20).しかしながら,脳血流SPECTの撮影にはバルーンカテーテルを挿入したまま部屋の移動を余儀なくされ,そのためバルーンカテーテルの位置がずれてバルーン閉塞時の循環動態が変わってしまう可能性や血管壁を損傷する危険性もあり,SPECTを必要としない症例を適確に判別できれば有益である.
局所脳酸素飽和度(regional cerebral oxygen saturation;rSO2)は,近赤外線を利用して脳表から3~4cmの深さの酸素飽和度を非侵襲的に測定することができる.その測定値は,動脈血25%,静脈血75%と仮定した場合の理論値に近似することから,静脈成分の酸素飽和度により依存し,したがって,脳血流と脳酸素代謝のバランスを反映する4,9).特に,脳代謝と動脈血酸素飽和度がほぼ一定の場合には脳酸素代謝も定常状態と考えられ,脳酸素飽和度は,直接脳血流を反映するとされている.
Purpose Recently,temporary balloon test occlusion (BTO) of the internal carotid artery (IC) has become a well accepted procedure for preoperative evaluation of patients with IC large aneurysms. However,it might be dangerous to move patients fitted with a balloon catheter to the room for single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). We attempted to clarify the usefulness of regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) monitoring during BTO,comparing cerebral blood flow (CBF) obtained from SPECT.
Materials and Methods Eight patients with an IC large aneurysm underwent BTO with rSO2 monitoring. Regions of interest in the SPECT were defined in the area below the rSO2 sensor of each hemisphere. Correlations among rSO2,CBF,stump pressure and appearance of symptoms were discussed.
Results The rSO2 significantly reduced during BTO (74.1±1.2 to 60.4±2.7%,p<0.001). The individual decreases in rSO2 correlated with decreases of CBF from SPECT (r=0.966,P<0.001). Four patients with ΔrSO2 (baseline rSO2-rSO2 during IC occlusion) less than 12 points had no symptoms,but 4 patients with ΔrSO2 more than 14 points had some symptoms. The stump pressure had no correlation with CBF and rSO2.
Conclusions The rSO2 significantly correlated with CBF from SPECT and related with appearance of symptoms. Our results revealed that rSO2 monitoring was useful in BTO,and SPECT could be skipped in some cases to determine the strategies for treatment of IC large aneurysms.

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