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中枢神経系胚腫の10~20%はヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン(human chorionic gonadotropin:hCG)を産生し10,12,15),hCG産生胚腫(hCG-producing germinoma)と呼ばれる4,12).組織中にhCG免疫染色陽性のsyncytiotrophoblastic giant cell(STGC)を認めるものはgerminoma with STGCと呼ばれるが,STGCを証明できないhCG産生胚腫もしばしば存在する4,12).これら症例の中で,腫瘍の産生するhCGの黄体形成ホルモン(luteinizing hormone:LH)類似作用により,思春期早発症を生ずることがある1).
中枢神経系胚腫の大部分は,特徴的なmagnetic resonance imaging(MRI),computed tomography(CT)所見を呈し3,5,11),年齢,発症形式を含めた臨床所見と考え合わせることにより比較的容易に診断を下すことが可能である.しかしこれらの中で基底核部胚腫は,特徴的な画像所見を呈することがなく診断の難しい症例があることが報告されている8,9,14,16).
An 8-year-old boy presented with a rare case of germinoma involving the bilateral basal ganglia and cerebral white matter manifesting as precocious puberty. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at the initial presentation demonstrated mild hyperintense areas in the bilateral basal ganglia and corpus callosum on T1-weighted images,and a small hyperintense spot in the right internal capsule on T2-weighted images. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level was elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),so we strongly suspected that threre was a hCG-producing germinoma originating in the bilateral basal ganglia. Stereotactic biopsy was performed. Histological examination revealed two-cell pattern germinoma. After three cycles of combination chemotherapy consisting of ifosfamide,cisplatin,and etoposide,followed by whole brain irradiation with a total dose of 24 Gy,the CSF hCG level fell below the detection limit,but MR imaging demonstrated no significant change. Intracranial hCG-producing germinoma should be suspected in patients presenting with precocious puberty and elevated CSF hCG level. Moreover,slight intensity change on MR imaging is important to identify germinoma arising from the basal ganglia in the early stage.

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