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A Case of High-aged Idiopathic Spinal Cord Herniation from Dural Defect Akihiro INOUE 1 , Kanehisa KOHNO 1 , Tetsuji TAKEDA 1 , Bungo OKUDA 2 , Akihiko TAKECHI 1 , Keiji KOHNO 1 , Kensho OKAMOTO 2 , Yoshiaki YAMAGUCHI 1 , Daizo ISHII 1 , Kenji KAMOGAWA 2 , Chiaki MORI 2 , Ushio SASAKI 1 1Department of Neurosurgery,Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital 2Department of Neurology,Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital Keyword: idiopathic spinal cord herniation , Brown-Séquard syndrome , high-aged patient , GORE-TEX(R) dura substitute pp.627-631
Published Date 2006/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436100180
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Idiopathic spinal cord herniation was assumed to be a rare disease. However,the incidence of discovering this condition appears to have been increasing recently with advances in neuroradiological diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomographic myelogram (CTM). We present herein an operated case of high-aged idiopathic spinal cord herniation. A 71-year-old female presented with spastic paresis of the right lower limb and sensory disturbance of pain and temperature below the level of the left Th4 dermatome,consistent with Brown-Séquard syndrome. MRI and CTM revealed right ventral displacement of the spinal cord and dilatation of the dorsal subarachnoid space at Th2/3. Laminectomy of Th1-3 was performed,herniated spinal cord was untethered and repositioned,and the dural defect was sealed with GORE-TEX(R) dura substitute. Postoperative MRI revealed normal location of the spinal cord and neurological state improved slightly. The patient was discharged 1 month after the operation.

 Among many cases of spinal cord herniations,this is considered to be a rare case of idiopathic spinal cord herniation in an elderly patient.

Copyright © 2006, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


