

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Clinical aspects of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Mitsuru KAWAI 1 1Department of Neurology, Institute of Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo pp.22-38
Published Date 1987/2/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431905860
  • Abstract
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8 patients of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease were admitted to Tokyo University Hospital from 1967 to 1986 and 7 cases were autopsied. None of these cases showed kuru plaques. The total duration of the illness was 20.0±17.3 months in these patients and 14.2±15.9 months in the 62 autopsied cases withot kuru plaques reported in the lieteratures from Japan. These figures are evidently much longer than those reported from the western countries. According to the criteria proposed by Bernoulli et al. (1979), the course of the illness was divided into 3 stages: Stage 1; There is a subjective awareness of physical or mental disorder, with or without minor sensorimotor or behavioral sings, insufficient to impair the patient's normal daily activities. Stage 2; There are unequivocal signs of neurologic disease, usually sufficient to impair the patient's daily activities. Stage 3; There is an incapacitating dementia, usually with severe myoclonus. Presumably because identification between the stage 1 and the stage 2 is often difficult, especially in the cases reported in the lieteratures. Masters et al. (1978) and Galvez et al. (1980) divided the course of the illness into 2 stages: The prodromal stage which corresponds to the stage 1 and the stage 2 as a whole and the dementing/myoclonic stage which corresponds to the stage 3 of Bernoulli. The duration of stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 was 1.5±1.2 months, 2.5±1.2 months, 16.0±16.5 months in the presented 8 cases and 9±10 weeks, 10±13 weeks, 14±17 weeks according to Bernoulli (1979) respectively. The duration of the prodromal stage and the dementing/myoclonic stage was 5.3 ±6.4 months and 8.9±13.2 months in autopsied cases in Japan, 3.5±3.9 months and 3.9±4.6 months according to Masters et al. (1978) and 2.2±2.1 month and 4.8±6.8 months according to Galvez et al. (1980) respectively. There was no correlation between the duration of the stage 1 and the stage 2 as a whole and that of the stage 3. As the clinical features of each stage of the Japanese patients were identical with those from western countries. The long clinical course in Japanese patients could be attributed not to the different types of the disease, but to the relatively more intensive care of the apallic patients of stage 3 in Japan.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


