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ヒトの遺伝現象の解析は近年長足の進歩を遂げてきた。それは,1)細胞培養技術の進歩により,ヒトの体細胞が1つの自律的な単位として単純な実験系に組み込むことが可能になったこと,2)1957年,岡田善雄の発見により,HVJ(Hemagglutinating virus of Japan)を用いヒトを初めとする哺乳動物体細胞を自由に融合できるようになったこと,がその基礎にあり,体細胞遺伝学と呼ばれる学問分野が確立されてきた。
On the basis of the establishments of culture method of human somatic cells in vitro and cell fusion technique by HVJ (Hemagglutinating Virus of Japan; Sendai virus) which was discovered by Yoshio Okada in 1957, the human somatic cell genetics have been developed very rapidly.
In somatic cell hybrid between human and mouse cells, the human chromosome is preferentially lost randomly. Taking advantage of this phenomenon, more than 400 human genes have been mapped on specific chromosome.

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