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実は,私がこの日本都市センターの講堂に初めてまいりましたのは,1962年であります。グアムから直行いたしまして,ここで演壇に立ち,初めて学術発表したことを,いまでもまざまざと覚えております。その時は,グアムの筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)と,Parkinsonism-dementia complexについて話させていただきました。
In contrast to most previous work in the neuropathology of the cerebellum, which was focussed on changes in the interior of the soma, a good deal of recent work is concerned with the cell periphery, especially the surface of the cell and the cell processes.
In kinky hair disease, for example, the Purkinje cells show very poorly developed dendrites. The cell surface, especially the soma, is covered with small sprouts. Spinelike processes, instead of being confined to the tertiary branchlets, are seen on the entire surface of the cell.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.