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Astrocytomaの腫瘍血管の微細構造に関する報告は,今日まで数多くなされている1,5,6,9-11,13,14,16).しかし,そのAstrocyteと血管のinterfaceについては,その中で簡略に触れられているのみで,そのことに注目した報告は見あたらない.本論文では,良性・小脳astrocyto—maにおけるastrocyte-endothelial interfaceの微細構造について報告する.
The astrocyte-endothelial interface is a component of the anatomical blood-brain barrier in the central ner-vous system and is of interest in neoplastic lesions. We, therefore, investigated the fine structure of this inter-face in five, well-differentiated cerebellar astrocytomas.
The astrocyte-endothelial interface in cerebellar astrocytomas revealed various abnormalities. The peri-vascular space is usually wide and contains various amounts of collagen fibers, fibroblasts and pericytes. The basal lamina of the endothelial cell is mostly single-layered and continuous, but sometimes multilayered and discontinuous.

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