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まず,神経組織の細胞内で,線維構造をもつmicrotubulus,microfilament,neurofilament,glial filamentのそれぞれに対する蛋白として,tubulin25,32,35),brainactin4,32),neurofilament蛋白32,35),GFA蛋白その他9,12,18,28)などが知られてきた。このうち,tubulinとbrain actinは,脳以外の組織や細胞中にも存在し,いわゆる脳特異蛋白ではないことは,周知の事実4,25,32)である。しかるに,後二者とくにglial filamentの蛋白についての生化学的研究は比較的少なく,その性質についての結論はまだ得られていない。
One dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has been extensively used for the analysis of proteins in biological materials including the brain proteins. Recently O'Farrell reported a higher resolution method for two-dimensionalgel electrophoresis of proteins which employs isoelectrofocusing gel electrophoresis in the first dimensions and SDS gel electrophoresis in the second dimension.
In the present work the applicability and limitation of the O'Farrell's two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were examined and applied for the analysis of the brain proteins.
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