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四エチル鉛(tetraethyl lead,Pb(C2H5)4)は従来,発動機のanti-knocking剤としてガソリン中にその微量が混入されているのであるが,水に不溶,リポイド易溶性であって,生体に対して猛毒性を有していることはよく知られている。われわれは四エチル鉛の急性中毒例を経験したので,その臨床所見とともに病理組織所見、各種臓器中の鉛含有量などをあわせて報告して考察を試みることにする。
An autopsied case of acute tetraethyl lead poisoning is presented. The patient was a 54 years old Japanese male who had been engaged in the cleaning of gasoline tanks for many years without any suspected signs of chronic leadpoisoning.
On Dec. 9, 1974, he worked inside of a tank used for the jet airplane fuel without any protecting equipments. Few hours later, he complained of rhinorrhea, dizziness and headache. Finger tremor and anorexia appeared the following days. From Dec. 13 afterwards, he developed severe delirious state and nocturnal violent excitement.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.