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The patient, a 39-year-old woman, had an onsetwith dizziness and hindrance of sensibility of boththe lower limbs in June 1958. About 2 monthsafter onset, she noticed slight dysbasia, and then 2months later, temporarily suffered from a feverand herpes labialis. About 6 months after onset, adisturbance of vision occurred. At the end of 10months of her illness, mental symptoms, pyramidal and extrapyramidal symptoms were observed.
From that time, the general conditions becamegradually aggravated, and she died after approximately 16 months of her illness.
The cerebrospinal fluid on admission showedslight pleocytosis and increased protein content. Our tentative clinical diagnosis was acute dissent-Mated encephalomyelitis.
After autopsy, the most marked pathological andanatomical findings were the presence of inflammatory foci in the white substance diffusing from thecerebral hemispheres to the spinal cord, and thesefoci had a tendency toward necrosis. The largenecrotic foci, the perivascular cuffs consisting oflymphocytes and an increased number of microgliawere found in the occipital lobe and the spleniumof the corpus callosum. Lesions of the cerebralwhite substance were usually most severe in theposterior part of the cerebrum and similar lesionswere detectable in the basis pedunculi and thebrachium pontis. In the cerebellar hemispheres,diffuse old cicatrical lesions were found. No changes were detected in nuclei of the cerebral corticesand of the basal ganglia. A few glial nodules werefound in the temporal white substance but nowherewere the inculsion body and the change of neuronophagy revealed.
We reported a case of Panen. cephalomyelitis necrotica subacuta. These clinical and pathologicalfeatures seem to resemble leucoencephalitis, but thepresent case is an encephalomyelitis not belongingto any of the classifications of encephalitides whichhave thus far been published.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.