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The right hemiplegia appeared by a female aged30 on the 36th day after being vaccinated with in-fluenza vaccine. Then followed fever and disturba-nce of consciousness and she died under a comatosecondition on the 46th day after vaccination.
The neuropathological examination reveals a cla-ssical type of the perivenous encephalitis. Whereasperivenous demyelinated foci are arranged aroundthe small veins in the white matter (Fig. 1,2, and3), there are none in the cortex of the brain. Theperivenous demyelination affects also the midbrainand this finding is most significant in the pons asit is usual in the postvaccinal encephalitis. In thedemyelinated foci tubular or polygonal cells arearranged (Fig. 4) and mitosis is often seen (Fig.5). It is obvious that these cells have their originin the adventitial cells of the vein which is accom-panied with very few infiltrating cells. The proli-ferated cells act as a phagocyte and take in the de-structed matter of the myelin and the other tissueelements.
The possibility of the pathogenic factor of the in-fluenza vaccination in this case is discussed referr-ing the recent works concerning postvaccinal, pa-rainfectious and postinfectious encephalitides andencephalopathies.
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