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ところが1968年以来,米国NIHのGibbs, Jr.,Gajdusekらは本症の脳組織をchimpanzeeおよび各種モンキーの脳内あるいは静脈内に注入することにより,10ないし25か月という長いlatent periodののち,これら動物が発症したと報告し,それをslow,latent virus infectionという概念の中で考察してきた2〜6,15,16,)。少なくともこり報告は,各種の原因不明脳疾患についての神経病理学的考え方,およびそれらに関する今後の研究方法,手段に対してきわめて大きな影響を及ぼす報告である,と考えられた。
Four typical cases of Creutzfeldt-jakob disease were studied in various aspects. Cortical lesions of three cases were inoculated into cerebrum of 14 monkeys (Macaca irus). Up to 22 months after the inoculation, no evidence of transmission was noticed on their clinical, ERG or histological examinations. The cells obtained from brain tissues of the two human cases and one monkey were cultured. Concerning the above human and monkey brain tissues and their cultured cells, electron microscopic examination, immunofluorescent antibody, hemagglutination and hemadsorption tests were performed.
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