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脳腫瘍(とくにglioma)、動物脳,人胎児脳の組織培養を行い,培養上のgliaをspongiobiast,astroblast, astrocyte, o)hgodendrocyteに区別して,夫々の形態学上の特徴をのべた。glionlaを培養所見からanaplastic glioma,spongioblasticghoma,astroblastic glioma,astrocytic gliomaoligodendrocytic glioma.本態不明細胞の出現したglioma,培養不成功のgliomaの7群に分ち培養成績と病理組織学的所見,臨床的経過を比較検討した。
Glia cells in tissue culture of 25 cases ofgliomas, 4 cases of human foetus brain and 7cases of kitten brain are classified to 4 types.They are spongioblast, astroblast, astrocyte andoligodendrocyte. Astroblast and oligodendrocyteare distinguished by membranous expansion ofperikaryon, which is usualy seen in astrocyteand astroblast but not in oligodendrocyte andclearly demonstrated by cine record.
Glia cells in tissue culture of glioma are not sodifferent morphologically from glia cells in itsordinary stained preparation of the original tumor.The rate hf outgrowth of glioma cells in vitroappears to be parallel to clinical malignancy ofthe glioma.
Tissue culture of glioma will serve to its pa-thological diagnosis in some cases and will beuseful for judgement of clinical prognosis of thepatient.

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