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Clinicopathological Studies on the Central Nervous Mechanism of the Sweating Shibanosuke KATSUKI 1 , Haruhiko TOKUOMI 1 , Kazutoshi WAKE 1 , Kazuo ISHIZAKA 1 1The 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University College of Medicine pp.181-197
Published Date 1956/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431901515
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Sweating disturbances due to the central nervous disorders were observed in 55 patients with various lesions of the brain, namely cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral softening, cerebral tumor etc. In 19 cases of them, the locations of the lesions were confirmed at autopsy, and the relations between the sweat disturbanceand the cerebral location of the lesion were discussed clinicopathologically. The excitation of sweat gland activity was observed by means of Minor's method and electrical skin resistance method and found its increased activity on the half side of the body, particularly on the hemiparalyzed side, that is, at the half of the body opposite to the cerebral lesion, in 31 of 55 cases. The cerebral lesion in 19 hemisweating cases located in various sites of the brain and extended from cerebral cortex medulla oblongata.

Juding from the pathologic anatomical findings, it was suggested that the central sweat pathway originating in the motor area of the cortex crosses to the opposite side below the distal end of the pons, and runs to the contralateral skin area. These contralateral sweat excitations may be explained as an increased automatism which is accompanied with the motor disorders. Moreover, it was thought that the hypothalamus, midbrain and tegme .Mum of the pons, may also influence the sweating of central origin. The mechanism of the increeased contralateral sweat gland activity in patients of cerebral lesions, can be presumed to be caused mainly by release from the inhibitory influence from the centers of higher orders.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


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