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今までの報告をまとめると,磁気刺激がパーキンソン病治療に役立つか役立たないかは,五分五分で結論が出ていないと言わざるを得ない。ここで問題となるのはsham刺激をどのように行うかであり,この点をよく考えてわが国での調査研究がスタートしたところである。本治療が有効である場合,従来から考えられている機序以外に,われわれの磁気刺激とSPECTを用いた実験結果からfunctional thalamotomyを磁気刺激が誘発している可能性も考えられる。いずれにしろ,約2年後には,ある程度の結論が出ていると思われる。
I briefly review previous reports of treatment of Parkinson's disease with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Pascual-Leone et al. first proposed that rTMS might have a beneficial effect on Parkinson's disease (PD) because TMS shortened reaction times in PD patients. This shortening is now considered to be due to an intersensory facilitation. However, several investigators have applied rTMS to the treatment of PD. Since they used different stimulation parameters, we have a difficulty in comparing their results. Their results are incon-sistent, and the efficacy of this treatment is now controversial. In our own treatment experience of four patients with PD, improvement was seen in two of them, which is almost the same as the cure rate usually seen in placebo treatment. To solve this inconsistency between several reports, we should use a good sham stimulation method with which patients are not able to notice which treatment they are given. We just began to perform a multi-cen-ter, randomized, real stimulation-sham stimulation study on the treatment of PD with rTMS in a large number of patients. We will have some conclusions in two years.

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