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内藤と小柳ら31,32,35,40,41)やTakahataら49,50)によってその枠組みが明らかにされた常染色体優性autosomal dominant(AD)遺伝形式をとる遺伝性歯状核赤核淡蒼球ルイ体萎縮症dentatorubro-pallidoluysian atrophy(以下,AD遣伝性DRPLAと略す)はわが国に多発している疾患である。本症は発病年齢によって主体となる臨床症状が変化する点にその特徴があるが32,36,40),それに対応するような神経病理学的所見の特異的変化はかならずしも明らかではない。
We studied the autosomal dominant hereditary dentatorubro-pallidoluysian atrophy (AD-DRPLA) clinicopathologically with special reference to its relation with the age at onset.
Materials and methods: Seventeen autopsied cases from 13 families, including three couples and their children, were examined. The age at onset ranged from four to fifty-seven years of age. We divided them into three groups according to the age at onset; 5 cases in the juvenile form (the first and second decades), 7 cases in the early adult form (the third and forth decades), and 5 cases in the late adult form (above the fifth decade).

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