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ミクログリアは脳におけるスカベンジャー細胞として,また抗原提示細胞として,修復細胞として働き得ることが示唆されている。また,Alzheimer病,多発性硬化症における脱髄,AIDS脳症などの神経変性疾患の原因や進行との関わりでも注目されている1)。近年ミクログリアの研究はインビトロにおける研究が可能になったことで大きな転機を迎えている。培養系による研究から細胞特性や生理活性物質の産生について多くの新しい情報が得られてきている。これらの知見はin vivoにおけるミクログリアの生理機能解明を目指すうえで重要な土台となると考えられる。
Microglia are histochemically found to be widely distributed throughout the perinatal and matured brain and are considered to act in normal homeostasis involving a regulation of neuronal activity and extracellular environment. When microglia were activated in injured site or pathological state, they proliferate, migrate and are thought to work as scavenger cells. However the direct role or function of microglia in the brain has been remained unclear.
In recent years, the methods for isolating microglia have been developed wnich made it possible to study the properties of microglia and intercellular interaction between microglia and other cells. In vitro studies demonstrated that microglia have on ability of antigen presentation and produce cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, TNF and growth factors like NGF and bFGF. We also showed cultured micro-glia secrete relatively strong proteolytic enzymes into the medium. These proteases were biochemically characterized and now three kinds of proteases were identified, elastase, plasminogen activator and plasminogen.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.